Saturday, October 26, 2002

i just got back from sandboarding.... wow. my roomate carolyn and i, plus our boyfriends, went to the dunes tonight. keith has this sandboard they made, with formica on the bottom and straps to hold your feet on and everything. we'd find big sand dunes and zoom down them. actually, that was everyone exept me. i kept doing butt-plants. i almost went all the way down a pretty steep one, but i flew and did a face plant. actually it was more of a knee and side plant. (ow) there was almost a full moon, and we the dunes were beautiful, they glowed light blue. i took a couple pictures, hopefully they'll come out. all together we walked at least 4 miles, maybe 5. in sand. so i am darn hungry about now :o)

plus i saw pictures of stephanie's babies. go ahead and try to say they aren't cute. they're less than a day old in those pictures yet remarkably non red and smooshed looking. awwww. plus, they have hair. ooooo, hair.


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