i'm making lime jello with mandarin oranges in it for class tomorrow. we're having a final exam/party! education classes are awesome... and after education and linguistics tommorow, i have a limited amount of stuff to do for the rest of the quarter. here are my obligations:
Thursday- teach p.e. to three classes of 2nd graders
Friday- talk to prof. about p.e. teaching, turn in notebook for kinesiology class, work at elementary school, work at textiles lab
Wednesday- math final, turn in linguistics term paper (uuuuuuuuh-oh)
Friday- linguistics final

and for some strange reason we might go to.... montana.... during christmas break. i'm kinda confused about that. for the last two phone calls, my parents have been saying in that mmmmm-broccoli-open-the-hanger-and-here-comes-a-plane voice "you know, we need to have a talk about christmas vacation. we're thinking of going to montana! how's that sound!" the confusing thing is that we dont really know anyone in montana. well, my dad's buisness partner has some sort of log cabin house there... but the thought of being in a big flat empty state with my family, and no one around for miles. in the winter. with snow... it makes me think about The Shining.
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