Tuesday, March 30, 2004



Monday, March 29, 2004

well!! this morning at our student teacher meeting i was told that i have a new placement.

i don't know if i said it on here or not, but my original assignment seemed not so good, and i talked to the cal poly people about it. i've been reassigned because the master teacher was strange and a bad example of how to teach.

i'm now in santa maria, which is about 30 minutes south of me. (paso was 30 minutes north)

this is a good thing. i'll be in a 5th grade, and the school is brand new. :o)

Sunday, March 28, 2004

my spanish is a little rusty. anyone notice any glaring mistakes?

El 30 de marzo 2004

Estimados Padres,

¡Hola! Me llamo Sarah Drake. Seré una maestra estudiante en la clase del Señor S* hasta el fín del año.

Tengo muchos recuerdos alegres de mi enseñanza primaria y de los maestros que me inspiraba llegar a ser maestra. Estoy lista para empezar a enseñar en la clase de su niño.

Soy una estudiante de Cal Poly. Recibiré mis credenciales de enseñar en junio. Estoy muy feliz de estar como maestra estudiante en *** Elementary. Visité en medio del mes, y yo conocí a unos de los estudiantes.

Por favor me llama si tiene cualquier pregunta. Espero conocerle.


Sarah Drake

cool song of the day:

thalia- piel morena
also, human league- fascination

Friday, March 26, 2004

mom and i are going to tea tommorow afternoon. woohoo!

no, really. its fun. i like tea, and those little tiny sandwiches with no crusts. mmmmm

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

one of my parents' favorite tricks is if you are in their car in some parking lot, waiting for them, they will push the panic button on their remote entry thing just to freak you out.

i don't even know how many times they've done that to me. i still don't think it's very funny

i got to hang out with the twins today. they're so big! and walking! i like to call them fat babies. (they are finally on the weight charts- 5th percentile)

they are coming over on thursday. that means we have to hide breakables and important papers. i invited them without asking mom. :o) i don't think she really minds

Sunday, March 21, 2004

i'm back home with my parents for the week. since i was here last, they bought a large amount of fake plants. really really nice fake plants. they look real, but they also ... well, our house is small and i think there are something like 11 fake plants in here. the ones that are trees are just way too big. very jungle-y.


Saturday, March 20, 2004

today is ben and my second anniversiary. we'll be spending the day in santa barbara, enjoying the beginning of spring break. :o)

Thursday, March 18, 2004

are you waiting for me to post? who are you, out of curiousity?

here is why this area is so cool: we have an honest to goodness one room schoolhouse only 60 miles away from slo. (only 30 minutes from paso, where i'm currently teaching.)

yes, parkfield elementary only has 17 students from grades k-6. I think it is the teacher's first year there. in some ways, i wish i had her job.

parkfield is famous for having lots of earthquakes.
they also have a restaurant and an inn. wow!
oh yes, and wild boars.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

the hospital people said that she had a febrile seizure. (brought on by a high fever.) this is a good thing, because she should be fine and not have any more.

i'm glad they think it was just a febrile seizure-- epilepsy isn't the most fun thing in the world. my mom is epileptic, and so is my brother. my mom hasn't had a seizure since i was 4 because she is on meds, and my brother has a less serious type of seizure. i have some chance of developing epilepsy in my future, but i don't think it's that huge. i guess it is about ten percent or so...

oh, and just in case, here are some tips on living with an epileptic dog.

my mom called to tell me that one of my best friend's 17 mo. old twin daughters had a seizure today at daycare. i hope everything is okay. they called 911, and i assume took ellie to the hospital by ambulance.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

so, i won't be teaching with judy OR jennifer, because they were wrong- i'll be in a 4/5 combo, not a straight 4th. :oP

i'll be with gary. guy teachers are usually pretty cool.

he had a student teacher last quarter too. a girl i know, so i'll have to call her up and see how it was. you aren't supposed to have more than one student teacher in a school year, but i guess someone is making an exception.

Monday, March 15, 2004

i've had bangs since i was about a year and a half old. the last few days, i've been obsessed with somehow altering my current look. my hairdresser told me once that i'd look really cute with "side swept bangs." if these "side swept bangs" look like bunny mcintosh's then i would be happy. i have had the same basic hairstyle for the last TWENTY YEARS. look how cute i was with my bangs and my maraca, mixin' things up in my grandparents' backyard.

even when my hair was short, i still had the same old bangs. today i tried to part them and push them to the sides, but it was wierd. i wouldn't know what to do without the bangs. i mean, i have a largish widows peak, and i'm pale. when i pull my bangs straight back, i look like a russian ballerina. i look so different that i think some people wouldn't recognize me. but then they would, because there aren't many skinny almost 6'1" white girls running around town. maybe these so called "side swept bangs" would be less harsh than no bangs.

also, if i changed my bangs i would have to pay more attention to those russian eyebrows of mine

Sunday, March 14, 2004

i did some weeding in my links. added melting dolls. took out 5 people i don't love anymore because 1) they don't update 2) their webpage is simply gone 3) they are boring all of a sudden.

here is an article about some funny school-y things

something i like about san luis: you can leave your car running when you return the video to the video store, and no one will steal it.

i have 202.5 undergraduate units, and carolyn only has 202. i win!!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2004

i guess the placement in the 3/4 combo fell through. it looks like i'll be placed in another paso school, in a 4th grade class. i might find out the name of the teacher monday.

i actually am pretty sure which teacher it is, because there are two, and one is named jennifer. we all know that jennifer can't be more than 24 or 25. its gonna be judy. i bet judy is around 50.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

i've been printing job applications, and i've noticed a trend among districts with openings. barstow, yucaipa, hanford, hemet, palm springs

these are very warm places. lets see... highs for august (when school would start) are as follows:

barstow average- 102 record- 117
yucaipa average- 97 record- 113
hanford average- 95 record- 115
hemet average- 98 record- couldn't find august, but it was 85 in january once
palm springs average- 107 record- 123

for reference, fresno is average 95, record 112. yeah. so the place that i thought was hell but with strip malls is actually an icy blast of refreshment.

city data! it's almost as cool as i am!

san luis obispo
irvine (notice the low crime rate. and the friggin high income. its disgustingly sanitized in my hometown)

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

i just finished the last final of my undergraduate career.

yay for me!!

and i'm not even 21 and a half yet

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

i used my super spy vision to sneak a peek at the student teacher placement list. (really. i wasn't supposed to know this) my placement has been requested, but has not yet been accepted by the school. this could mean that it isn't going to work out.

it is a school in paso robles, in a 3/4 combo class. they have two weeks of spring break, from april 5 to april 16. this could cause some problems, as i would only end up with 9 weeks of student teaching instead of the normal 10-11. plus, spring quarter is testing time in classes. yikes!

i couldn't find a picture of the teacher online, but i did find out that she taught kindergarten at the school last year. hmmm...

a 3/4 combo wasn't what i was hoping for, but i'll be happy if i get it. (i wanted 4th or 5th.) technically, i shouldn't be in a class with 3rd graders, as there is supposed to be a 3 grade separation between student teaching experiences.

the good thing about paso is that it is only about 28 miles from here. that'll be a bit of a commute, but nothing like the hour and a half that some people have to drive. besides, i only had a 6 minute drive this quarter.

the other plus is that in-n-out is on the way home. i will soooo eat in-n-out every week!

I'm typing from my bed because there is a pile of junk in my chair and i am lazy. i'm not wearing my glasses, so i can only partly see what i am typing. fun times!

hopefully, i will get my next student teaching assignment at 2 o'clock. :o)

right now, i need some major lunch action

Monday, March 08, 2004


i totally spent two hours just now writing a paper, and now i realize i did it completely wrong. uh... oops?

Sunday, March 07, 2004

i want a tan.

my plan is as follows: i will go out in the sun for approximately 6 minutes a day. (can't go too long, i'll burn)
in about 4 weeks, i might be tan. we'll hope. if this does not work, i will resort to plan b
plan b is sunscreen and 30 minutes a day of sun

it sounds scientific, doesn't it.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

cool website of the day: vintagecalculators.com

i own a vintage mechanical calculator- an addiator arithma. (the technical term, i have learned, is "slide adder") i'm not quite sure how old it is, but it belonged to my grampa. i'm guessing 1960's. i wish mine had a slide rule on the back like some of the ones on this site. that would make it extra nifty!

after some more googling, i see that it was produced in 1962 and cost 5 dollars. on ebay, you can get one just like mine for between 5 and 20 bucks.

i went to wal mart today. the guy in front of me in line had one of those icky long rock star/ white trash gotees. and a shaved head. and a badly done tattoo. i bet he doesn't smell very good

Friday, March 05, 2004

i get ridiculously proud of myself when i make a meal that has all five food groups in it

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

fluid pudding linked to this first, but i think i'll chance being the copycat loser. you all need to see what i was looking at instead of doing my journal article review that is due in approximately 25 minutes. here you go. i hope it makes you laugh so hard a booger comes out of your nose and hits your computer screen.

an aside- i watched 2 first graders eat their boogers today.

i also gave them mealworms to play with. and 15 of the mealworms in the container from the pet store were dead. and i touched them.

(i figure we'll all just be gross today.)

Monday, March 01, 2004

i'm jealous of my mommy. she's a housewife, and she has this thing called "free time." have you heard of it? i haven't. my mommy even has the time to volunteer for meals on wheels. wouldn't it be nice to have enough time and no need for money so that you could volunteer instead? the other cool thing about "free time" is that you can make nice dinners and brownies and cookies and stuff, instead of making semi-prepared food all the dern time.